| 1. | Warning c6226 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : assigning - 1 to hresult 警告c6226 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将- 1赋给hresult 。 |
| 2. | Warning c6220 - implicit cast between semantically different integer types : comparing hresult to - 1 警告c6220 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将hresult与- 1进行比较。 |
| 3. | Warning c6217 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : testing hresult with not 警告c6217 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:使用“ not ”测试hresult 。 |
| 4. | Warning c6225 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : assigning 1 or true to hresult 警告c6225 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将1或true赋给hresult 。 |
| 5. | Warning c6230 : implicit cast between semantically different types : using hresult in a boolean context 警告c6230 :语义不同的类型之间的隐式强制转换:在boolean上下文中使用hresult 。 |
| 6. | Warning c6219 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : comparing hresult to 1 or true 警告c6219 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将hresult与1或true进行比较。 |
| 7. | Warning c6221 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : comparing hresult to an integer 警告c6221 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将hresult与一个整数进行比较。 |
| 8. | Warning c6230 : implicit cast between semantically different integer types : using hresult in a boolean context 警告c6230 :语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:在boolean上下文中使用hresult |
| 9. | Implicit casts are called by the system ; the user might not be aware that a conversion is taking place and will have difficulty debugging the code 隐式强制转换是由系统调用的;用户可能不会觉察发生了转换,这会给调试代码带来困难。 |